ICRS William A. Devane Early Career Investigator AwardThe William A. Devane Early Career Award (renamed in 2022) is given to a researcher, typically within 10 years of receiving their terminal degree, who has demonstrated a dedication to cannabinoid and endocannabinoid research and has established a cohesive research program of excellence in the field. Career interruptions and other life events may be considered in this timeline. The recipient should have a strong publication record, contributions to the society, and the potential to become a leader in the field of cannabinoid or endocannabinoid research. Examples of posts that might typically be held by recipients include, but are not limited to, assistant professor, lecturer/junior lecturer, early career investigator research grant awardees, and equivalent early career positions in non-academic settings. Those already promoted to tenured associate professor or equivalent will generally be ineligible unless such promotion has happened within 10 years of receipt of terminal degree. The recipient is expected to deliver a lecture describing their work at the annual ICRS Symposium on the Cannabinoids during the year following receipt of the award. Early Career Investigator Award Recipients