ICRS By-laws, Policies & Guidelines


ICRS By-Laws [REV 2019 493k, PDF]

ICRS Code of Conduct [04.20.2021 2.2M, PDF]

ICRS Conflicts of Interest Policy [07.27.2021 97k, PDF]

ICRS Elections Guidelines [REV 2015 75k, PDF]

ICRS Awards Guidelines [REV 2023 96k, PDF]

ICRS Denounces Individual and Systemic Racism [06.04.2020 102k, PDF]

ICRS Statement on Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity [06.05.2020 84k, PDF]

ICRS Strategy Document on Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (2020-2023) [07.10.2020 70k, PDF]

ICRS Whistleblower Policy [04.20.2021 2.5M, PDF]